Both X9.3.3 and 20.3 can co-exist, but only one can be linked to Word for CWYW, and only one can automatically open text files when directly exporting from sources. NOTE: When you open an existing library in X9.3.3 and earlier, for Windows or Mac, it will create a converted version for use with this new database engine. This instruction page is suitable for the older versions X9.3.3 and 20 as well. It is strongly recommended to install EndNote 20.3 via the ICT portal.

This version is compatible with Office 2016 as installed on the UM student workstations and Athena desktop computers. Besides citation styles, many manuscript Word templates are available in EndNote as well.ĮndNote 20.3 is the latest version and supported standard.

They can be added as in-text citations, footnotes or a bibliography in any of a large number of citation styles. If a reference is not appearing correctly in Word, you may need to edit the reference details in your EndNote library or double check that you are using the right output style.EndNote is a software program that helps you collect and keep track of your references, and easily insert them into your research documents. Check that the references are appearing properly in your work by comparing them with the official referencing guidelines for your style.in the ‘Authenticate With: URL’ box, insert:.go to menu item Edit > Preferences > Find full text and tick the OpenURL box.To find full text articles via UoB subscriptions for your references in EndNote:.Having duplicates in your EndNote library can cause problems, especially when you start to reference your work. Check for duplicate references before writing up.

Always save a back-up copy of your EndNote library by selecting File > Save a copy.Use the groups feature to organise your references.Create one library to keep all your references in the same place.