7.24 'Is sound a quasiparticle': see "Quasiparticles in Physics".7.12 'Semiconductors': see "Semiconductors: The Big Picture".5.9 'Chaos, Lyapunov, and entropy increase'.Percolation exercises: 2.13 'Building a percolation network', 12.12 'Percolation and universality'.2.11 'Stocks, volatility, and diversification'.2.10 'Polymers and random walks' Self-Avoiding Random Walk simulation (Java applet from BU).Molecular dynamics exercises: 2.4 'Perfume walk', 3.4 'Pressure computation', 4.1 'Equilibration', 6.1 'Exponential atmosphere', 10.2 'Pair distribution function and molecular dynamics', Molecular dynamics software.1.7 'Six degrees of separation', Small world exercise hints.(download, run 'jupyter notebook', then select this file). Replacing '4' with some number <= the number of cores on your machine. This site includes materials useful in some of the interactive exercises,Īnd also hints for the computer exercises (available both forĪdditional step for speed when linear algebra is being done: set theĮnvironment variable MKL_NUM_THREADS (e.g., 'export MKL_NUM_THREADS=4' if you run bash, or 'setenv MKL_NUM_THREADS 4' if you run csh or tcsh),

Sethna for "Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity" Computer Exercises for Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity Computer Exercises and Course Materials James P.